烤火雞/發酵蘋果醬汁 Roast Turkey with Apple Cider Gravy

材料 A Ingredients A
發酵蘋果汁 Apple cider4 杯 cup
海鹽 Sea salt 3/4 杯 cup
白糖 Granulated sugar 1/3 杯 cup
大洋蔥(切丁) Large onion (diced) 1個 ea
大胡蘿蔔(切丁) Large carrot (diced) 1個 ea
芹菜 (切丁) Celery (diced) 3根 stalk
大蒜(拍破) Garlic (crushed) 20瓣 clove
新鮮迷迭香 Fresh rosemary 1小把 small bunch
新鮮鼠尾草Fresh sage 1小把 small bunch
月桂葉 Bay leaf 6片 ea
水 Water 7夸脫 quart (6.5 公升 liter)
材料 B Ingredients B
全火雞 Whole Turkey (13磅lb- 6公斤 kg)1 隻 ea
材料 C Ingredients C
新鮮迷迭香(切碎) Fresh rosemary (minced)2大匙 Tbs
新鮮鼠尾草(切碎) Fresh sage (minced) 2大匙 Tbs
牛油(4盎司) Butter(4 oz) 1條 stick
材料 D Ingredients D
大洋蔥(切丁) Large onion (diced) 1個 ea
大胡蘿蔔(切丁) Large carrot (diced) 1個 ea
芹菜 (切丁) Celery (diced) 2根 stalk
綠蘋果(切丁) Granny Smith apple (diced)2個 ea
大蒜(拍破) Garlic (crushed) 4瓣 clove
月桂葉 Bay leaf 5片 ea
肉桂棒 Cinnamon stick 1根 ea
新鮮百里香 Fresh thyme 2支 sprig
材料 E Ingredients E
西式雞高湯 Chicken stock 4+2 杯 cup
發酵蘋果汁 Apple cider1+1 杯 cup
特級初榨橄欖油 Extra virgin oilive oil 1/4 杯 cup
中筋麵粉 All-purpose flour 1/2 杯 cup
鹽 Salt 1/3 小匙 tsp
黑胡椒 Black pepper1/4 小匙 tsp

食譜來源 Recipe source: Anny Burrell's Brined Herb-Crusted Turkey w/Apple Cider Gravy

1.將冷凍的火雞裝在大盆內,在放進冷藏室自然解凍,約需 3 天時間。
2.將材料 A放在大鍋裡煮滾,撇去浮在湯面上的渣滓。繼續用中火煮到糖和鹽都融化。熄火,放置一旁。等完全冷卻後加入火雞,蓋上蓋子放進冰箱浸泡一天。鹽滷水必須蓋過火雞。
4.將材料 C中的牛油与迷迭香和鼠尾草 拌勻後塗抹在火雞皮下面可觸及的地方及火雞皮並輕輕地按摩。火雞放在烤盤上後進冰箱冷藏過夜,火雞上不要覆蓋任何東西,這樣烤出來的火雞皮才會脆。
5.材料 D 平舖在烤盤底部。
7.烤箱預熱到 450°F (230°C)。
8.倒入 2 杯高湯和 1 杯發酵蘋果汁到烤盤。進烤箱烤到雞皮呈金黃色,大約 40 分鐘。
9.烤箱溫度調降到 350°F (175°C)。繼續烤到雞腿最厚處的溫度達到 165°F(75°C),大約 2 個小時。要確定溫度計沒有碰到骨頭。中途每 30 分鐘拿出烤盤,將1杯雞湯和烤盤底部的湯汁淋在火雞上,再回烤箱繼續烤。如果雞皮顏色變得太深,覆蓋一張錫箔紙在火雞上。
10.取出烤盤,將烤好的火雞立起讓肚子裡的湯汁流到烤盤裡。將火雞移到砧板上用錫箔紙覆蓋住,此時火雞的溫度會繼續升高。等 25 分鐘後再切以免肉汁流失。
12.烤盤放在爐頭上。開中火,加入橄欖油和麵粉用中火炒成糊狀并稍微變黃,約2-3分鐘。熄火,讓麵糊降點溫。慢慢加入 2 杯雞高湯,1 杯發酵蘋果汁和步驟 12剩餘的湯汁,不斷地攪動直到麵糊和湯汁充分混合沒有顆粒。加鹽和黑胡椒繼續煮到醬汁變稠,即為火雞醬汁。

1.Place the turkey in a container then store it in the fridge for defrosting. It takes about 3 days to thaw completely.
2.Place ingredients A in a large pot that can accommodate the turkey. Bright the mixture to a boil, skim off the foams at the surface of the brine, then cook over medium heat until the sugar and salt are melted. Set it aside. When the brine completely cools down, add the turkey. Cover and store in the fridge for 1 day. The brine needs to cover the turkey.
3.Remove the turkey from the fridge at the night before the roasting date and discard the brine. Rinse the turkey, drain and pat dry with paper towels.
4.Mix the butter with the minced rosemary and sage. Rub the herb butter under and outside the skin of the turkey and massage gently. Store the turkey in the fridge overnight. Be sure that it is uncovered so the skin of the roasted turkey will be crispy.
5.Lay Ingredients D on the bottom of a roast pan.
6. Remove the turkey from the fridge 2 hours before the roasting time. Tie the turkey legs together with a piece of kitchen twine and tuck the wing tips under the body of the turkey. Place the turkey on top of the veggies in the roast pan, breast side up.
7.Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C).
8.Add 2 cups of chicken stock and 1 cup of apple cider to the roast pan. Roast the chicken until golden brown, approx. 40 minutes.
9.Reduce the oven temperature to 350°F (175°C). Continue to roast until the temperature of the thickest part of the thigh reaches 165°F(75°C), approx. 2 hours. Be sure that the thermometer is not touching a bone.
During roasting, baste the turkey every 30 minutes with the juice on the bottom of the roast pan and 1 cup of chicken stock. If the turkey is getting too dark, tent it with a piece foil paper.
10.Transfer the turkey to a chopping board and loosely cover with a piece of foil paper. The temperature of the turkey will slowly increase. Wait 25 minutes before you cut the turkey so the juice could be locked in the turkey.
11.Pour everything remaining on the roast pan through a sieve into a bowl. Using a ladle to press the vegetables in the sieve and squeeze out as much juice as you can.
12.Place the roast pan over 2 stove burners. Add the olive oil and flour, and cook in medium heat until becoming paste like and coloring slightly, about 2-3 minutes. Stir consistently. Turn the heat off and let the roux cools a little. Gradually add 2 cups of chicken stock, 1 cup of apple cider and the liquid in step 12 and whisk consistently until the mixture is smooth. Add the salt and black pepper and cook over medium until the gravy is thick.
13.Dismantle and plate the turkey. Serve with gravy.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/26/2016
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